Morning tk-k Little Edventures - MW $880 - Edventure - Aidee Keyes

  • General Academics
173 Oak St, Auburn, CA 95603, USA
Registration Fee 4 spots left
  1. Mon9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


There are 2 programs for Tk-K students, the morning program, Little Edventures, meets MW or TTH from 9am-12pm and the Afternoon Program, Storybook Edventures, meets MW or TTH from 12:40-3:40pm. Students can choose to participate in just one or both.

Both classes provide an opportunity for our youngest edventurers to learn and grow in an environment tailored to meet their social, emotional, and academic needs. Students engage in literature-rich, theme-based activities that promote social-emotional development, fine and gross motor activities, early literacy, and language development. These hands-on programs prioritize purposeful structured play, small group instruction, and intentional teaching using hands-on, experiential activities. 

While both programs will cover core curricula,
The Morning Little Edvetures program (9:00am-12:00pm) will contain a balance of academic structure and fun exploration. Through interactive lessons, children will be encouraged to explore the world around them, while building foundational skills.


The Afternoon Program, Storybook Edventures (12:40-3:40) will have more play-based learning, structured around deep dives into developmentally appropriate literature. This program emphasizes the joy of learning through stories, encouraging imagination, language skills, and social development through active play, creative projects, and cooperative activities. While the program covers essential early learning milestones, the focus is on fostering a love for books and learning through experiential activities.


Only students staying for both programs may also stay for the supervised lunch/play time from 12:00-12:40pm


Each section is $880 or $1,760 for both programs plus the supervised lunch time.



Participants must be entering grades transitional kindergarten to kindergarten.

Registration period

Registration starts on 11/16/2024 and ends on 12/09/2024.

In-person location

173 Oak St, Auburn, CA 95603, USA

Room: 15