Think Tank (6th Period) - MW $120 - Full STEAM Ahead

  • General Academics
173 Oak St, Auburn, CA 95603, USA
Registration Fee
  1. Mon2:45 - 3:40 pm
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed2:45 - 3:40 pm
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 



This course is meant to help focus the student's efforts toward their own personal interests and talents with supportive adults and peers. Students enrolled in The Think Tank will receive an online skills packet where, each week, they will be given a study skill or life skills challenge. The skill challenges can then be applied to the student's current academic workload. Students will be encouraged to engage in strategy games and projects to improve communication skills. Students in this course will also have access to resume creation and other career exploration opportunities. Strategy games include video games, board games, puzzles, collaborative social games, and more.

The cost for The Think Tank is $120 for one hour, two days a week. You may take multiple Think Tanks, and each period is charged at the full $120.

The vendor for The Think Tank is Full STEAM Ahead

If you are paying with charter funding:

Make PO or Voucher to:
Full STEAM Ahead
Class Name: The Think Tank
Class Cost $120 (per each period you are enrolled)
If you are making a payment with private funding
Venmo- to @FullSTEAMedu
Pay with cash or check- Deliver to Bluedoor Community Office teacher communication box


Participants must be entering grades 4 to 12.

Registration period

Registration starts on 04/22/2024 and ends on 04/29/2024.

In-person location

173 Oak St, Auburn, CA 95603, USA

Room: 13

Registration closed.