9-12 Art 3 Art by Invite - TTH $330 - Masterpiece Art - Carrie Morris and Maddy Near

  • General Academics, General Creative Arts
173 Oak St, Auburn, CA 95603, USA
Registration Fee
  1. Mon 
  2. Tue9:00 - 9:55 am
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu9:00 - 9:55 am
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


This course is designed for students who show strong interest and talent in visual art.  Students are expected to present their own personal point of view while creating unique works for portfolios and exhibitions.  Students are required to maintain a working sketchbook/journal in addition to their class work. Individualized studies of special interest are encouraged.  Students will be required to recognize works and artists from different periods and styles, communicate ideas about works of art through writing and speaking, submit a writing piece suitable for inclusion in their arts portfolio, study styles of art through slides and videos, and create projects that illustrate these styles in order to earn credit for this course. 
*Students must have successfully completed Art 2 and have instructor approval.
As per the College Board outline the instructional goals for this class are:
Encourage creative and systematic investigation of formal and conceptual issues.
Emphasize art as an ongoing process that involves the student in informed and critical decision making.
Help students develop technical skills and familiarize them with the functions of the visual elements.
Encourage students to become independent thinkers who will contribute inventively and critically to their culture through art making.
This class meets the National Standards for Arts Education, *AP College Board guidelines and can be taken for a-g VPA credit. Students selecting the AP or a-g course work will be required to spend time outside of class completing assignments and projects. 


Participants must be entering grades 9 to 12.

Registration period

Registration starts on 04/22/2024 and ends on 04/29/2024.

In-person location

173 Oak St, Auburn, CA 95603, USA

Room: 8

Registration closed.